OpenBSD 6.7 Released

New submitter xhonza writes: New OpenBSD version. String of good news. Some of the new changes, as highlighted by Phoronix, include: – FFS2 file-system improvements including using 64-bit timestamps and block numbers by default for new installs.
– Support for the Raspberry Pi 4 on ARM64 while improving the Raspberry Pi 3 support too. Raspberry Pi 2/3 support has also improved for OpenBSD ARMv7.
– Better support for Rockchip systems like the Pinebook Pro.
– Various SMP improvements including better AMD SMT/Core/Package detection. – A wide variety of different hardware driver improvements, including Intel AX200 WiFi device support.
– A FIDO driver introduced for FIDO/U2F security keys support.
– Fixed handling of USB 2.0 devices when in use on different USB 3.0 controllers.
– The PowerPC OpenBSD build switched over to Clang as its default code compiler.
– Various dhclient fixes.
– Various security improvements. The changelog, announcement, and list of mirrors can be found at their respective links.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
