Npm Team Warns of New ‘Binary Planting’ Bug

The team behind npm, the biggest package manager for JavaScript libraries, issued a security alert yesterday, advising all users to update to the latest version (6.13.4) to prevent “binary planting” attacks. From a report: Npm (Node.js Package Manager) devs say the npm command-line interface (CLI) client is impacted by a security bug — a combination between a file traversal and an arbitrary file (over)write issue. The bug can be exploited by attackers to plant malicious binaries or overwrite files on a user’s computer. The vulnerability can be exploited only during the installation of a boobytrapped npm package via the npm CLI. “However, as we have seen in the past, this is not an insurmountable barrier,” said the npm team, referring to past incidents where attackers planed backdoored or boobytrapped packages on the official npm repository. Npm devs say they’ve been scanning the npm portal for packages that may contain exploit code designed to exploit this bug, but have not seen any suspicious cases. “That does not guarantee that it hasn’t been used, but it does mean that it isn’t currently being used in published packages on the [official npm] registry,” npm devs said.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
