NPM Bans Terminal Ads

A week after a popular JavaScript library started showing full-blown ads in the npm command-line interface, npm, Inc., the company that runs the npm tool and website, has taken a stance and plans to ban such behavior in the future. From a report: “We are always working on improving our policies and expand on our commitments to the community,” Ahmad Nassri, npm, Inc. CTO told ZDNet in an email this week. “To that end, we’re making updates to our policies to be more explicit about the type of commercial content we do deem not acceptable.” According to these upcoming updates, npm will ban: 1. Packages that display ads at runtime, on installation, or at other stages of the software development lifecycle, such as via npm scripts.
2. Packages with code that can be used to display ads are fine. Packages that themselves display ads are not.
3. Packages that themselves function primarily as ads, with only placeholder or negligible code, data, and other technical content.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
