NASA Consultant ‘Convinced We Found Evidence of Life on Mars in the 1970s’

“A consultant for NASA slammed the agency for deliberately ignoring the results of the experiment he handled that showed signs of alien life on Mars,” reports the International Business Times. “According to the consultant, NASA refuses to conduct new life-detection tests on the Red Planet.” Engineer Gilbert Levin served as a principal investigator on NASA’s Viking missions, which sent two identical landers to Mars. For his role, Levin handled the missions’ biological experiments known as Labeled Release (LR). These experiments focused on identifying living microorganisms on Mars. The experiments were sent to the Red Planet through the Viking 1 and Viking 2 missions in 1975…. “As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart,” Levin wrote in Scientific American. “The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet,” he continued. “The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth. It seemed we had answered that ultimate question.” Despite the results of the LR experiment, the findings were discarded by NASA due to the agency’s previous experiment on Mars. More from Levin’s article in Scientific American:
Life on Mars seemed a long shot. On the other hand, it would take a near miracle for Mars to be sterile. NASA scientist Chris McKay once said that Mars and Earth have been “swapping spit” for billions of years, meaning that, when either planet is hit by comets or large meteorites, some ejecta shoot into space. A tiny fraction of this material eventually lands on the other planet, perhaps infecting it with microbiological hitch-hikers.

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