NASA Announces First Commercial Partner For A Space Station Orbiting The Moon

“NASA has chosen its first commercial partner for a proposed space station, known as the Lunar Gateway, to be built near the Moon,” reports Ars Technica: On Thursday, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said Maxar Technologies would build the first component of the Gateway — the power and propulsion element. Like the name suggests, it will provide electricity to the Gateway and help move it around. “This time when we go to the Moon, we’re actually going to stay,” Bridenstine said in making the announcement… Under NASA’s current plans to land humans on the Moon by 2024, this is where astronauts will launch to from Earth before climbing aboard pre-positioned landers to take them down to the lunar surface…. The contract announced Thursday is worth a maximum of $375 million. Intriguingly, Maxar said Blue Origin and Draper will join the team in designing, building, and operating the spacecraft. Such a partnership raises the possibility that the power and propulsion element, which will weigh about 5 tons fully fueled, could be launched on Blue Origin’s New Glenn rocket. During a teleconference with media, Maxar’s Mike Gold said the company would choose a commercial rocket for the power and propulsion element launch in the next 12 to 18 months… The station will use solar electric propulsion to maintain its orbit and have the ability to maneuver into other orbits around the Moon. Before humans visit the Gateway in 2024, the space agency plans to add a small “habitat” module.

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