Most Android Flashlight Apps Request An Absurd Number of Permissions

Out of 937 flashlight apps on the Play Store, Avast Security Evangelist Luis Corrons found that the vast majority requested a large number of permissions, with the average being of 25 permissions per app. ZDNet reports: “There might be variables average users are not aware of and that are needed for these apps to work, but if 408 of the apps need just 10 permissions or less, which seems fairly reasonable, how come there are 262 apps that require 50 permissions or more,” Corrons said in a report published this week. The Avast researcher said he found 77 flashlight apps that requested more than 50 permissions, which is about a third of the total number of permissions the Android OS supports. The champions were two apps that requested 77 permissions, followed by another three, which requested 76. But while Corrons said that some apps appeared to justify some of the permissions they asked for, these were only an exception to the rule.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
