MLB: Use Electronic Surveillance To Capture Fans’ Data, Not Opponents’ Signs

theodp writes: Major League Baseball Regulations “prohibit the use of electronic equipment during games and state that no such equipment may be used for the purpose of stealing signs or conveying information designed to give a Club an advantage,” reminded MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred Monday as harsh punishment was meted out for the Houston Astros sign stealing scandal. You can read the Commissioner’s full statement at, after you first carefully review the site’s 5,680 word Privacy Policy which, ironically, attempts to describe the many ways that MLB will use electronic surveillance to collect and share information about you and your friends. MLB, a poster child for Google Marketing, boasted recently that the data it collects has enabled it to literally put a price on MLB fans’ heads in the form of a Lifetime Value (LTV) metric. “Understanding our fans’ budgets allows us to customize the offers and deals we present them,” explained the MLB Technology blog. More details are available in Data Science and the Business of Major League Baseball (PDF, Strata Data Conference slides).

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