MIT Unveils New ‘Blackest Black’ Material and Makes a Diamond Disappear

An anonymous reader shares a report: What do you do with a $2 million natural yellow diamond? If you’re at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, you coat it in a wild high-tech material that makes any object look like it fell into a black hole. The coated diamond is now a piece of art called The Redemption of Vanity, a collaboration between Diemut Strebe, artist-in-residence at the MIT Center for Art, Science and Technology, and Brian Wardle an MIT aeronautics and astronautics professor. The diamond will be on exhibit at the New York Stock Exchange until Nov. 25, giving viewers a chance to see MIT’s new carbon nanotube material in action. “The unification of extreme opposites in one object and the particular aesthetic features of the CNTs caught my imagination for this art project,” Strebe said in an MIT release. MIT described the carbon nanotubes as “microscopic filaments of carbon, like a fuzzy forest of tiny trees” that’s grown on an aluminum foil surface. “The foil captures more than 99.96 percent of any incoming light, making it the blackest material on record,” MIT said.

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