Microsoft’s To-Do App Comes To Mac

Microsoft has released To-Do for Mac, finally giving Apple users access to the task management tool on their desktops. The Mac app will allow users to work offline, view their upcoming tasks under “My Day,” share to-do lists with friends and colleagues and see flagged emails. From a report: “Today, we’d like to announce the arrival of a new family member — that’s right, the moment many of you have been waiting for is here — say hello to the Mac app. If you’ve already been using our app on Android, iOS, Windows, or web, then the Mac app will feel very familiar. Sign in and all your tasks will be waiting for you, ready to be checked off. You can work offline, add tasks to My Day, see your flagged email in your Flagged email list, and share your lists with colleagues or friends and family. The Planner integration isn’t available yet, but we’re already working on bringing the Assigned to Me list to you,” says Polly Davidson, Social Media Strategist, Microsoft.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
