Microsoft Might Bring Its Edge Browser To Linux

Microsoft appears to be porting its Edge browser to Linux, reports ZDNet: “We on the MS Edge Dev team are fleshing out requirements to bring Edge to Linux, and we need your help with some assumptions,” wrote Sean Larkin, a member of Microsoft’s Edge team…. Chrome, of course, is already available for Linux, so Microsoft should be able to deliver Chromium-based Edge to Linux distributions with minimal fuss…. [I]n June Microsoft Edge developers said there are “no technical blockers to keep us from creating Linux binaries” and that it is “definitely something we’d like to do down the road”. Despite Chrome’s availability on Linux, the Edge team noted there is still work to be done on the installer, updaters, user sync, and bug fixes, before it could be something to commit to properly. Slashdot reader think_nix shared a link to the related survey that the Edge team has announced on Twitter. “If you’re a dev who depends on Linux for dev, testing, personal browsing, please take a second to fill out this survey.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
