Massive Ransomware Attack Hits 23 Local Texas Government Offices

Long-time Slashdot reader StonyCreekBare shared this press release from the Texas Department of Information Resources (Dir) press release as of August 17, 2019, at approximately 5:00 p.m. central time: On the morning of August 16, 2019, more than 20 entities in Texas reported a ransomware attack. The majority of these entities were smaller local governments… At this time, the evidence gathered indicates the attacks came from one single threat actor. Investigations into the origin of this attack are ongoing; however, response and recovery are the priority at this time. It appears all entities that were actually or potentially impacted have been identified and notified. Twenty-three entities have been confirmed as impacted. Responders are actively working with these entities to bring their systems back online. The State of Texas systems and networks have not been impacted.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
