‘Massive Issues’ Reported For Google’s Indexing of JavaScript Content

The way Google is indexing JavaScript content is “still a massive issue,” reports Search Engine Journal: As much as 60% of the JavaScript content is indexed within the first 24 hours after indexing HTML. But there is also bad news. As much as 32% of the tested pages have unindexed JavaScript content after one month, due to a variety of reasons… Indexing delays can cause Google to take a lot more time in discovering newly added pages on your news website… If it takes ages for Google to index your JS-dependent product description, your competitors will be taking the top positions for prominent queries…. We also checked a random sample of URLs from popular ecommerce and news websites. On average, JavaScript content is not indexed in Google in 25% of these websites’ pages. This is one of the results of the two waves of indexing. The second wave is not guaranteed. Indexing JavaScript can fail due to many reasons, or may not happen at all…. If you are using JavaScript for generating important content, you have to implement it wisely and keep it under control.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
