Maine Lawmakers Pass Bill To Prevent ISPs From Selling Browsing Data Without Consent

Maine lawmakers have passed a bill that will prevent internet providers from selling consumers’ private internet data to advertisers. From a report: The state’s senate unanimously passed the bill 35-0 on Thursday following an earlier vote by state representatives 96-45 in favor of the bill. The bill, if signed into law by state governor Janet Mills, will force the national and smaller regional internet providers operating in the state to first obtain permission from residents before their data can be sold or passed on to advertisers or other third parties. Maine has about 1.3 million residents. The Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission voted in 2017 to allow internet providers to sell customers’ private and personal internet data and browsing histories — including which websites a user visits and for how long — to advertisers for the biggest buck. Congress later passed the measure into law.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
