Judge Strikes Down NYC Law Limiting Uber, Lyft Driver Cruising Time

A New York judge ruled on Monday that a state law designed to control how much time ride-hailing drivers can spend looking for passengers was “arbitrary and capricious.” Engadget reports: Had the law gone into effect, it would have limited the amount of time Uber and Lyft drivers could spend searching for passengers in Manhattan south of 96th Street to 31 percent of their overall drive time, down from 41 percent. When it passed the rule this summer, the city’s Taxi and Limousine Commission said it was an attempt to reduce traffic congestion in New York’s busiest borough where cars driven by Uber and Lyft contractors, along with yellow cabs, can make up as much of 50 percent of traffic. When Uber challenged the law in September, it said it would threaten the livelihood and flexibility of drivers. In advance of the law going into effect in February 2020, both Uber and Lyft had limited access to their apps, locking local drivers out at certain times and areas of the city. In his ruling, New York State Supreme Court judge Lyle Frank criticized the city for its 31 percent target, saying it provided “scant rationale” for it.

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