John McAfee Released From Jail in the Dominican Republic

An anonymous reader quotes the New York Post:
John McAfee of antivirus software fame has arrived in London from the Dominican Republic, where he had been detained for several days with his wife and several others for entering the Caribbean nation with a cache of weapons on his yacht, his lawyer said Friday. Authorities “asked him where he wanted to go, and he decided on London,” his attorney Candido Simon told Reuters…. While in custody, McAfee retweeted a photo posted by his wife of himself sitting shirtless in a cell… [And another shirtless photo with his cellmate.] “My crime is not filing tax returns — not a crime. The rest is propaganda by the U.S. government to silence me…” he wrote in a July 19 tweet. In fact, McAfee now “is laying the blame on the CIA and ‘an extremely corrupt Bahamian official,'” CNET reports. McAfee “confessed in a tweetstorm earlier this year that he hasn’t paid the IRS in eight years,” reports the New York Daily News, adding that this week McAfee was “essentially deported” to London. “He previously fled to Guatemala from Belize when he was sought for questioning concerning the murder of a neighbor, Reuters previously reported.” Earlier this month, Reuters also reported that McAfee had again fled to Cuba “after suspecting that U.S. law enforcement was trying to extradite him from the Bahamas.” CNET also quotes McAfee as saying that he now wants to run simultaneous campaigns to be both president of the United States and Prime Minister of England. “I believe I am one of the few people stil alive who could qualify for the combined position.”

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