Jakarta EE 9 Specification Release ‘Marks the Final Transition Away From javax Namespace’

An anonymous reader quotes ADTmag:
The Eclipse Foundation this week announced Jakarta EE 9 Milestone 1, the final version of the enterprise Java specification before the first Release Candidate (RC). The Jakarta EE 9 release marks the final transition away from the javax.* namespace (which Oracle refused to give up) to Eclipse’s jakarta.*. This release updates all the APIs to use jakarta.* in package names. In fact, Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, says that transition is really what this release is all about. “The main purpose…is to provide a release that is very similar to Java EE 8,” Milinkovich told ADTmag, “with everything converted to the jakarta.* namespace. We’re providing a stable technical conversion platform, so all the tools and frameworks in the ecosystem that are using, say, javax.servlet, can make the change with confidence.” Giving the ecosystem solid footing for the transition from the Java EE coffee cup to the Jakarta EE sailboat is the Foundation’s way of setting the stage for rapid innovation, Milinkovich said, once the transition is largely complete. “These technologies have been around for an awfully long time,” he added, “and we had to provide folks with a stable platform for the conversion. At the same time, thanks to a contribution from IBM, we have the Eclipse Transformer Project, which is going to provide runtime enablement. If someone has an application they don’t want to recompile, and that application is using the javax.* namespace, they will be able to run it on top of a Jakarta-compatible app server. That’s going to provide binary compatibility for apps, going forward…”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
