Is Python Becoming More Popular Than Java?

Python has reached “a new all-time high” on TIOBE’s index of programming language popularity. TechRadar reports: Java’s days as the world’s second most popular programming language could be numbered according to Tiobe’s latest programming language rankings which show Python is becoming increasingly popular among developers. The firm’s Index for October 2020 shows that Java has been overtaken by C as the world’s most popular programming language when compared to the same period last year. Python remains in third place but it’s quickly closing the gap between it and Java. According to Tiobe CEO Paul Jensen, C and Java have held the top two spots consistently for the past two decades. However, the 25-year-old programming language Java is approaching its “all time low” in popularity as it has fallen by 4.32 percentage points when compared to where it stood in October of last year. Tiobe ranks programming languages in its popularity index based on the number of hits each language gets across 25 search engines. RedMonk’s rankings already show Python as more popular than Java — the first time since 2012 that Java isn’t one of their top two most popular languages. And TIOBE’s CEO says “Let’s see what will happen the next few months.” Here’s their October rankings for the top 10 most popular programming languages. CJavaPythonC++C#Visual BasicJavaScriptPHPRSQL
And coming in at #11 is Perl.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
