Is Now The Time to Make a Deal With Our Robot Overlords?

“If certain businesses — say, the next generation of meat plants — can’t reopen safely and profitably with humans, they can and should do so with robots,” argued a recent Bloomberg column titled “Let’s make a deal with our robot overlords.” [Alternate source] The column posits that right now some jobs “just aren’t good enough to protect.”
Until now, among the biggest obstacles was the transition cost of going from badly paid humans to machines. But if companies disrupt their workflow by actually shutting down production to save lives (as they should), then they will have paid much of the cost… People will probably welcome the brave new world, particularly if it’s more hygienic… I confess I’d prefer a self-cleaning, self-driving car so I don’t have to share space with a human driver, for both our sakes… [W]hat will happen to the enormous jobless underclass that such an accelerated shift to automation will create? This is where I think the sheer magnitude of the coronavirus crisis might actually help, for three reasons. First, when so many people are suddenly and violently thrown out of work at the same time, it creates a sense of solidarity that a slow, insidious process such as offshoring does not. Second, the jobless are not perceived, and do not perceive themselves, as at fault for their predicament. This is a natural disaster, beyond their control… Third, and perhaps most important, real change will look newly possible in light of the unprecedented measures the government has already taken to combat the crisis… [I]f the winners of the AI revolution want to avoid the business disruption of an actual revolution, they should be prepared to negotiate a new and very different deal.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
