Is Hiring Broken?

DevNull127 writes: Hiring is broken and yours is too,” argues a New York-based software developer whose LinkedIn profile says he’s worked at both Amazon and Google, as well as doing architecture verification work for both Oracle and Intel. Summarizing what he’s read about hiring just this year in numerous online articles, he lists out the arguments against virtually every popular hiring metric, ultimately concluding that “Until and unless someone does a rigorous scientific study evaluating different interviewing techniques, preferably using a double-blind randomized trial, there’s no point in beating this dead horse further. Everyone’s hiring practices are broken, and yours aren’t any better.” For example, as a Stanford graduate he nonetheless argues that “The skills required for getting into Stanford at 17 (extracurriculars, SAT prep etc) do not correlate to job success as a software developer. How good a student you were at 17, is not very relevant to who you are at 25.” References are flawed because “People will only ever list references who will say good things about them,” and they ultimately punish people who’ve had bad managers. But asking for source code from past sides projects penalizes people with other interests or family, while “most work product is confidential.” Brain teasers “rely on you being lucky enough to get a flash of inspiration, or you having heard it before,” and are “not directly related to programming. Even Google says it is useless.” And live-coding exercises are “artificial and contrived,” and “not reflective of practical coding,” while pair programming is unrealistic, with the difficulty of the tasks varying from day to day. He ultimately criticizes the ongoing discussion for publicizing the problems but not the solutions. “How exactly should we weigh the various pros and cons against each other and actually pick a solution? Maybe we could maybe try something novel like data crunch the effectiveness of each technique, or do some randomized experiments to measure the efficacy of each approach? Lol, j/k. Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
