Intel Says Its 7nm Chips Are Delayed By At Least a Year

If you’ve been following along with Intel’s troubles moving away from its 14nm process to 10nm over the years, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that the company is now having trouble getting its 7nm process off the ground. From a report: On its Q2 earnings call this week, Intel revealed that it’s pushing back its previously planed 7nm rollout by six months — and that yields for the process are now a year behind schedule. This means that Intel can’t produce 7nm chips in an economically viable way at the moment. Intel originally expected to catch up with AMD’s 7nm chips in 2021, but didn’t say when in 2021. With these new delays, that puts Intel’s 7nm chip debut in 2022, at the earliest. By then, AMD may already be on its Ryzen 6000 5nm chips on Zen 4 architecture, according to its roadmap — though that’s assuming AMD doesn’t run into any delays itself. However, there is some good news on the 10nm front. From Intel’s Q2 2020 press release, the company says it’s “accelerating its transition to 10nm products this year” and growing its portfolio of 10nm-based Intel Core processors. That includes its Tiger Lake chips and its first 10nm-based server CPU Ice Lake. Additionally, Intel said it “expects to deliver a new line of client CPUs (code-named Alder Lake), which will include its first 10nm-based desktop CPU, and a new 10nm-based server CPU (code-named Sapphire Rapids).” Intel originally announced its 10nm chips in 2015, but confirmed it was having yield issues and other problems that July.

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