Instagram’s Following Activity Tab Is Going Away

Instagram is removing the “Following” tab — a feed that shows the likes, comments, follows of your friends. “Beginning this week, the heart tab will display only your own activity,” reports BuzzFeed News. From the report: Instagram launched its “Following” tab as an early feature back in 2011, long before its Explore tab debuted. At the time, Following was the best way to discover new content, since it would show you things your friends were liking. But that’s no longer true now that Explore has established itself as the primary means of discovering new stuff on Instagram. Now that Following has disappeared, it’s likely few people will notice it’s gone. Vishal Shah, Instagram’s head of product, told BuzzFeed News it wasn’t a feature that people used frequently and that the company suspected many users didn’t know it existed. And for those that did, it was often a source of unwelcome surprises. “People didn’t always know that their activity is surfacing,” Shah said. “So you have a case where it’s not serving the use case you built it for, but it’s also causing people to be surprised when their activity is showing up.” “Simplicity was the driving factor,” Shah said of Instagram’s decision to remove the Following tab.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
