‘If War Breaks Out on Top of the World’

The United States Air Force’s elite “PJ” pararescue units and Alaska National Guard units “are ready to respond if war breaks out on top of the world,” reports a new article in Popular Mechanics: With much of the ice cap melted, the Arctic is teeming with competitive activity because it’s no longer an impenetrable land of glaciers — void of economic or strategic military advantages. In fact, quite the opposite. The U.S., Russia, and China all recognize that new shipping lanes and natural resources, worth trillions of dollars, are becoming more viable every day in the Arctic. Each nation has its own economic interests and the competition for control in the Arctic is only increasing. Lt. Gen. Tom Bussiere says simply: “Whoever holds Alaska holds the region, and that impacts the globe,” and according to the U.S. Senator of Alaska Dan Sullivan, “we have fallen behind in the race with China and Russia.” Russia is reviving Soviet-era Arctic bases, increasing its fleet of Arctic icebreakers to a whopping 41 vessels (the U.S. has only two though this shortage is getting more attention), and Russian TU-95 “Bear” bombers frequently test F-22A Raptors’ readiness near U.S. airspace. And China has its own plans. Though not an Arctic nation like the U.S. or Russia, China’s economic clout gained the nation an observer seat in the Arctic Council under the claims that they are a “near-Arctic state.” China is positioning itself to stake a greater claim to the bountiful resources that the Arctic can provide, based on a bold plan they call the “Polar Silk Road.” If completed, the plan will create an economic network beneficial to China through the once-frozen ocean. In response to Russian operations and Chinese advances, the U.S. Air Force is battling for air superiority in the Arctic with its most valuable — and lethal — assets in Alaska, including the F-22A Raptor and F-35A Joint Strike Fighter. By “battling” I think they mean “spending.” A related side note: The article was co-authored by the producer of the TV series War On Top of The World

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