ICANN Delays .Org Sale Again After California’s AG Intervenes At Last Minute

ICANN has again delayed a decision on the sale of the .org registry, pushing the issue off for another month. The Register reports: The organization’s board of directors was due to decide today on whether to approve the $1.13 billion sale of the .org domain from the Internet Society to private equity firm Ethos Capital, but a last-minute letter from California’s attorney general Xavier Becerra appears to have upended the plan. Rather than take a vote, the ICANN board debated the issue and ultimately decided to put off a decision until May 4 — the fourth such delay. The organization formally acknowledged the decision late on Thursday evening local time. “We have agreed to extend the review period to May 4, 2020, to permit additional time to complete our review,” it said. The attorney general’s letter [PDF] arrived just hours before the meeting and told the non-profit organization in stark terms that it should not approve the sale as it “raises serious concerns that cannot be overlooked.” “Empowering a for-profit entity that could undermine the accessibility and affordability of the .org domain, which serves nonprofits, should concern all of us,” the California AG’s office told The Reg. “We’re urging ICANN to deny the request to transfer control of the .org domain to a for-profit private equity firm. In California, we’re committed to an Internet that serves everyone and we’re simply concerned that this transfer puts profits above the public interest.” “If, as proposed, Ethos Capital is permitted to purchase PIR, it will no longer have the unique characteristics that ICANN valued at the time that it selected PIR as the nonprofit to be responsible for the .ORG registry,” Becerra’s letter notes. “In effect, what is at stake is the transfer of the world’s second largest registry to a for-profit private equity firm that, by design, exists to profit from millions of nonprofit and non-commercial organizations.” “Little is known about Ethos Capital and its multiple proposed subsidiaries,” the letter states. “Even less is known about how these for-profit corporate entities and private investors will operate their businesses… Given the lack of transparency regarding Ethos’ future plans, approval of the transfer may place at risk the operational stability of the .ORG registry.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
