How Facebook Mis-Captioned the Launch of a NASA Supply Rocket

An anonymous reader quotes Ars Technica:
An Antares rocket built by Northrop Grumman launched on Wednesday afternoon, boosting a Cygnus spacecraft with 3.4 tons of cargo toward the International Space Station. The launch from Wallops Island, Virginia, went flawlessly, and the spacecraft arrived at the station on Friday. However, when NASA’s International Space Station program posted the launch video to its Facebook page on Thursday, there was a problem. Apparently the agency’s caption service hadn’t gotten to this video clip yet, so viewers with captions enabled were treated not just to the glory of a rocket launch, but the glory of Facebook’s automatically generated crazywords… Some of the captions are just hilariously bad. For example, when the announcer triumphantly declares, “And we have liftoff of the Antares NG-11 mission to the ISS,” the automatically generated caption service helpfully says, “And we have liftoff of the guitarist G 11 mission to the ice sets.” There’s more examples in the photos at the top of their article — for example, a caption stating that the uncrewed launch “had a phenomenal displaced people at 60 seconds,” and translating the phrase “TVC is nominal” to “phenomenal.” While the lift-off announcer does use what may be unfamiliar names for the rockets, along with other technical jargon, the article points out that YouTube’s auto-captioning of the same launch “seemed to have no problem with those bits of space argot.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
