Google’s Search Results Begin Prioritizing ‘Original Reporting’

In the future Google will promote news articles that feature original reporting in its search results, the Hill reports. “While we typically show the latest and most comprehensive version of a story in news results, we’ve made changes to our products globally to highlight articles that we identify as significant original reporting,” Richard Gingras, Google’s vice president of news, said in a blog post. “Such articles may stay in a highly visible position longer. This prominence allows users to view the original reporting while also looking at more recent articles alongside it.” On top of the change for individual articles, Google’s search raters will also begin identifying outlets that have a track record of original reporting in order to boost their content in search results… For Google, the shift will mostly come in a change in guidelines for the 10,000 employees at the company who operate its search algorithms. The guidelines will now emphasize promoting an article that “provides information that would not otherwise have been known had the article not revealed it.” And it will push raters to boost outlets with strong journalistic reputations. “Prestigious awards, such as the Pulitzer Prize award, or a history of high quality original reporting are strong evidence of positive reputation,” the new guidelines read.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
