Google To Translate and Transcribe Conversations In Real Time

At a press event in San Francisco today, Google announced a feature that’ll let people use their phones to both transcribe and translate a conversation in real time into a language that isn’t being spoken. The tool will be available for the Google Translate app in the coming months, said Bryan Lin, an engineer on the Translate team. CNET reports: Right now the feature is being tested in several languages, including Spanish, German and French. Lin said the computing will take place on Google’s servers and not on people’s devices. The search giant announced the tool at a press event in San Francisco, where the company showed off other artificial intelligence projects, including initiatives in health tech and touch controls for fabrics. The search giant has also talked a lot lately about how AI should be developed in the future. Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said last week that he thinks AI should be regulated, to prevent the potential negative consequences of things like deepfakes and facial recognition. “There is no question in my mind that artificial intelligence needs to be regulated,” Pichai wrote in an op-ed for the Financial Times. “It is too important not to. The only question is how to approach it.” […] At the event, Google also previewed a handful of other AI initiatives. One project is called I/O Braid, which lets people control a device by interacting with a wire. For example, you could start, stop and control the volume of music on your phone by twisting or pinching the fabric wire of the earbuds. Another project, part of Google Health, was aimed at trying to detect anemia in patients.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
