Google Tells All North America Staff To Work From Home

Alphabet’s Google told its staff in North America to not go into their offices unless they have to, becoming one of the latest companies seeking to protect workers from the spreading coronavirus. From a report: The Mountain View, California-based tech giant is “recommending” workers stay home until at least April 10, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg. The company had already sent home its Seattle-area workers, where the virus has had the highest number of cases in the U.S. The note also told contract workers, which make up as much as half of the company’s overall workforce, to work from home if they were able. Google also said last week it would keep paying the thousands of hourly workers who do jobs such as serving food, cleaning offices and providing security, through the crisis. Amazon, Twitter, Microsoft, and a slew of other major tech companies are also encouraging employees to work from home to prevent the spread of the virus.

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