Google Halts Political Ads In Singapore As Election Looms

Google has stopped accepting political ads in Singapore months before a widely expected election. Reuters reports: In email correspondence between the Singapore Democratic Party and a senior Google public policy official, the tech firm said it “will not accept advertising regulated by the Code of Practice for Transparency of Online Political Advertisements.” The new code of practice, part of a controversial ‘fake news’ law introduced in October, requires advertising intermediaries to maintain detailed records of political adverts and their sponsors and make those records available to authorities. The code applies to “all advertisement or paid content that can reasonably be regarded as being directed towards a political end.” SDP said the “shocking policy” would deprive voters of information ahead of that ballot. “In an election with the media totally dominated by the state, alternative parties would have no ability to educate and inform the voters of Singapore in the run up to the elections if we are not able to use Google’s advertising platforms in the first place,” Paul Tambyah, chairman of SDP, said in the correspondence.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
