Google Halts Its Curated News Plan in Australia, Calling Government’s Rules ‘Unworkable’

Google “has decided to freeze plans to launch its curated News Showcase in Australia over claims the draft News Media Bargaining Code is ‘unworkable’,” reports Engadget:
Google still objected to what it called a “must include, must pay” approach in the code where it not only has to pay news outlets it links to, but is obligated to carry those outlets for free. The company argued it would deal with payment demands that would “not [be] financially sustainable” for any firm. It also argued that the code was too broad and could prove costly if there’s a claimed violation, with Google potentially paying up to 10 percent of its Australian revenue for a single infraction. “We believe these conditions could be amended to make it a fair and workable code,” Google argues in its blog post, “a code that can work together with commercial deals and programs like News Showcase.” “The agreements we have signed in Australia and around the world show that not only are we willing to pay to license news content for a new product, but that we are able to strike deals with publishers,” Google argues in its blog post, “without the draft code’s onerous and prescriptive bargaining framework and one-sided arbitration model.” Engadget notes that Australia’s Competition and Consumer Commission “previously said that a Google open letter decrying the code ‘contains misinformation,’ and that the company wouldn’t be required to charge for free services or share data with news organizations like the letter suggested.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
