Google Confirms Android 10 Will Fix 193 Security Vulnerabilities

“Were it not for third-party components, the August Android Security Bulletin would have been the first report to be released with only a single critical vulnerability found,” reports TechRepublic. “However, with the inclusion of Broadcom and Qualcomm components, there are seven in total.” Meanwhile, Forbes reports on what’s being fixed in September’s release of Android 10: 193 Android security vulnerabilities needed to be fixed, covering a broad swathe of elevation of privilege, remote code execution, information disclosure and denial of service categories. Two of these are in the Android runtime itself, another two in the library and 24 in the framework. The bulk, however, is split between the Android media framework with 68 vulnerabilities and the Android system with 97. All have been scored as “moderate” severity. The good news is that all will be fixed by the default Android 10 patch level of 2019-09-01 on release of the new OS. Also on the positive news front, the security bulletin update stated that “we have had no reports of active customer exploitation or abuse of these newly reported issues.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
