Google Asks Three Outside Antivirus Firms To Start Scanning Submissions To Android’s Play Store

“Android has a bit of a malware problem,” argues Wired, noting that ” malware-ridden apps sneak into the official Play Store with disappointing frequency…” “After grappling with the issue for a decade, Google is calling in some reinforcements.” This week, Google announced a partnership with three antivirus firms — ESET, Lookout, and Zimperium — to create an App Defense Alliance. All three companies have done extensive Android malware research over the years, and have existing relationships with Google to report problems they find. But now they’ll use their scanning and threat detection tools to evaluate new Google Play submissions before the apps go live — with the goal of catching more malware before it hits the Play Store in the first place. “On the malware side we haven’t really had a way to scale as much as we’ve wanted to scale,” says Dave Kleidermacher, Google’s vice president of Android security and privacy. “What the App Defense Alliance enables us to do is take the open ecosystem approach to the next level. We can share information not just ad hoc, but really integrate engines together at a digital level, so that we can have real-time response, expand the review of these apps, and apply that to making users more protected.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
