GitLab Survey Finds Positive Results For Both DevOps and Working Remotely

GitLab’s CEO and co-founder says there was one big takeaway from their recent “2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps”: that early adopters of a strong Devops model experience greater security. “Security teams in a longstanding DevOps environment reported they are three times more likely to discover bugs before code is merged,” according to the GitLab blog, “and 90% more likely to test between 91% and 100% of code than teams who encounter early-stage DevOps.” But after polling over 4,000 software professionals, the survey also found positive results from another workplace arrangement, which they report under the headline “Remote work works.” According to our survey respondents, working remotely leads to greater collaboration, better documentation, and transparency. In fact, developers in a mostly remote environment are 23% more likely to have good insight into what colleagues are working on and rate the maturity of their organization’s security practices 29% higher than those who work in a traditional office environment.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
