Florida Utility To Close Two Natural Gas Plants, Build World’s Largest Solar Battery System

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Electrek: Florida Power & Light has joined the race to build the world’s largest solar battery storage system, announcing plans for its massive Manatee Energy Storage Center. The utility plans to build a 409 MW/900 MWh battery, to be powered by an existing FPL solar plant in Manatee County, Florida. It will begin serving customers in 2021. FPL says the battery system will be able to power 329,000 homes for two hours. For comparison, FPL notes the battery system is equivalent to 100 million iPhone batteries, or 300 million AA batteries. The system will be used in periods of high demand. The utility company also said that it will accelerate the retirement of two natural gas facilities at a nearby power plant. “FPL says the project will save customers more than $100 million while eliminating more than 1 million tons of carbon emissions, though no cost estimates for the project were disclosed,” reports Electrek. And while the Manatee Energy Storage Center is projected to be the “world’s largest solar-powered battery storage system,” it will have some competition from Texas where there are plans to build a 495 MW battery storage system that would be paired with an equivalent 495 MW solar farm in Borden County, Texas. It too is due to come online in 2021.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/19/03/30/0617209/florida-utility-to-close-two-natural-gas-plants-build-worlds-largest-solar-battery-system?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed