Florida Man Arrested For Cutting Electric Scooter Brakes

A man in Florida has been arrested for cutting the brake lines on dozens of public scooters. The man has been identified by police as 59-year-old Randall Thomas Williams of Ford Lauderdale, though a possible motive has not yet been released. The BBC reports: According to Fort Lauderdale police, a surveillance operation was set up over the weekend after more than 140 scooters were vandalized. Randall Williams, 59, was captured on camera cutting brake lines over three days, police say. When Mr Williams was arrested on Sunday, he was found carrying two pairs of wire cutters and wearing one glove. He has been charged with criminal mischief as well as resisting arrest and “loitering or prowling.” “In the early morning hours on September 28, 2019… the defendant was observed walking around the neighborhood, hiding in the shadows, and utilizing the dark alleyways to conceal himself from public view,” according to the police arrest report. It said he placed white stickers over the QR codes used by riders to activate the scooters. During his interrogation “the defendant failed to dispel officers’ alarm as to why he was lurking in the shadows and using the alleyways behind closed business, which are not normal avenues of transport for law-abiding citizens,” police said. The companies who owned the scooters have since removed the scooters in the vicinity to avoid rider injury.

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