Florida Governor Defends Police Raid On COVID Data Whistleblower

Earlier this week, Florida state police raided the home of Rebekah Jones, the data scientist who ran the state’s coronavirus dashboard until she was fired in June. “Jones has alleged in a whistleblower lawsuit that her firing was in retaliation for her refusal to manipulate data to make the state’s COVID-19 outbreak last spring appear less severe,” reports Yahoo News. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis angrily defended the handling of the search warrant, saying: “Obviously, she has issues.” From the report: Later, when another reporter asked about Monday’s incident — a recording of which was made by Jones and went viral on social media, drawing widespread outrage — DeSantis grew visibly irritated. “It was not a raid,” the governor said, at one point thrusting a finger and raising his voice at the reporter who asked about the Jones case. “They went, they followed protocol.” He said the Gestapo comparison was especially offensive. In keeping with his Trumpian approach to politics, DeSantis also denounced the “fever swamps” of the internet — his apparent term for mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post — for turning Jones into a “darling” of, presumably, anti-Trump progressives. (“He threw me into the public spotlight,” Jones told Yahoo News in response to that accusation. “I never wanted it.”) Officers executed a search warrant on Jones’s home on Monday morning, after knocking on her door for several minutes before she opened it and came outside with her hands up. Jones has said she wanted to settle her children before acknowledging the officers. It is not clear why the officers drew their weapons to go inside. They left with laptops and cellphones, which were being sought as part of an investigation into a Nov. 10 message sent to Florida Department of Health employees, encouraging them to resist DeSantis. State authorities allege that digital fingerprints indicate that Jones, who now runs a coronavirus dashboard of her own, was behind the message. Jones denies she was the author and maintains she did not have the means to access the department’s emergency notification system, through which the note was sent. Users on Reddit have discovered that the emergency system would have been easy to access, and that anyone else — not just Jones — could have accessed the system and sent the Nov. 10 message with relative ease.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
