Firefox 78 To Prevent Websites From Forcing Users To Save PDF Documents

“Firefox will prevent websites from forcing users to directly save PDFs without opening them in the web browser window,” reports The Windows Club. “Mozilla is rolling out this feature to the masses with the stable release of Firefox 78.”
Right now, Mozilla has added this feature to Firefox 78 in the Nightly channel. The issue was first raised in 2011, and it took Mozilla 9 years to fix it. Many websites host and offer PDF documents with the following HTTP header: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=”whatever.pdf.” This is an indication to the web browser that the PDF file should be saved with the specified name rather than try opening it in the web browser window. But since Firefox has a built-in PDF viewer, it should be for users to decide whether they want to view or save PDF documents.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
