FBI Criticized For Delaying Breach Notifications, Including Insufficient Details

The Federal Bureau of Investigations does a poor job at notifying victims of a cyber-attack, a US government report released last week said. A story adds: FBI notifications arrive either too late or contain insufficient information for victims to take action, a report from the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) has concluded. The report analyzed Cyber Guardian, an FBI application for storing information about tips and ongoing investigations. The system also allows agents to enter details about suspected victims, which Cyber Guardian can later notify via automated messages. But the DOJ-OIG report said FBI agents are not using the system as it is intended. For example, interviews with 31 agents revealed that 29 entered victim information in a lead category called “Action,” rather than the standard “Victim Notification.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/19/04/08/2021201/fbi-criticized-for-delaying-breach-notifications-including-insufficient-details?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed