Facebook Tool To Export Pictures To Google Photos Now Available

shanen shares a report from Android Police: Late last year, Facebook announced a tool to let users easily migrate their uploaded photos to Google Photos. The tool was initially available in Ireland, with plans to expand to more countries in the first half of this year. The social network has made good on those plans by expanding the rollout to the US and Canada in April, and now reaching a global rollout today. […] It’s a pretty straightforward process: from the general Facebook settings, select Your Facebook Information -> Transfer a Copy of Your Photos or Videos. From there, just follow the prompts. The tool came out of the joint Data Transfer Project by Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft — a GDPR-compliant initiative to make personal data more mobile. In addition to downloading a copy or exporting it to Google Photos, users will eventually have more destination options for their photos, although Facebook hasn’t said which. Slashdot reader shanen adds the following commentary: “Mixed emotions. It could actually be a good thing if it became part of a general trend of allowing us to control and thereby more effectively own our own data. But when has Facebook ever done a good thing?”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
