Facebook To Exempt Opinion and Satire From Fact-Checking

According to The Wall Street Journal, Facebook plans to exempt opinion pieces and satire from its fact-checking program, as the social-media giant grapples with how to stop the spread of falsehoods while maintaining its own neutrality. From the report: As part of the new rules, Facebook will allow publishers of information found to be false by outside fact-checkers to appeal to the company, said the people familiar with the changes. Posts that Facebook deems to be either opinion or satire won’t be labeled as false even if they contain information the fact-checkers determined was inaccurate, the people said. The new rules follow Facebook’s acknowledgment last week that it will continue exempting politicians from fact-checks, on the grounds that such comments are newsworthy, as well as a recent controversy arising from a third-party fact checker’s determination that an antiabortion group’s video was false.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
