Facebook Rebuts Netflix Documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’

Facebook on Friday offered a rebuttal to the hit Netflix documentary-drama, “The Social Dilemma.” The movie revealed, perhaps for the first time to some viewers, how social networks use algorithms to keep people coming back. It also addressed how tech companies have influenced elections, ethnic violence and rates of depression and suicide. Some viewers said they were deleting Facebook and Instagram after watching it. From a report: The rebuttal suggests that Facebook may be worried that the documentary’s effects on usage. “The Social Dilemma” appeared in Netflix’s top ten most popular movies and TV shows list in September and is still listed in its Trending section. In a post published on its site, Facebook addressed several concerns it has with the movie, covering topics like addiction, users being “the product,” its algorithms, data privacy, polarization, elections and misinformation. “Rather than offer a nuanced look at technology, it gives a distorted view of how social media platforms work to create a convenient scapegoat for what are difficult and complex societal problems,” Facebook said. It said the documentary sensationalizes social networks and provides a distorted view to how they work.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
