Facebook Are ‘Morally Bankrupt Liars’ Says New Zealand’s Privacy Commissioner

New Zealand’s privacy commissioner has lashed out at social media giant Facebook in the wake of the Christchurch attacks, calling the company “morally bankrupt pathological liars.” From a report: The commissioner used his personal Twitter page to lambast the social network, which has also drawn the ire of prime minister Jacinda Ardern for hosting a livestream of the attacks that left 50 dead, which was then copied and shared all over the internet. “Facebook cannot be trusted,” wrote Edwards. “They are morally bankrupt pathological liars who enable genocide (Myanmar), facilitate foreign undermining of democratic institutions. [They] allow the live streaming of suicides, rapes, and murders, continue to host and publish the mosque attack video, allow advertisers to target ‘Jew haters’ and other hateful market segments, and refuse to accept any responsibility for any content or harm. “They #dontgiveazuck” wrote Edwards. He later deleted the tweets, saying they had prompted “toxic and misinformed traffic.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/04/08/1444208/facebook-are-morally-bankrupt-liars-says-new-zealands-privacy-commissioner?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed