EPA Finalizes Rule Limiting Research Used for Public Health, Environmental Policy

The Environmental Protection Agency has finalized a rule that limits scientific research used in the crafting of public health and environmental policy. From a report: Researchers argue the rule that prioritizes studies with all data available publicly “essentially blocks” research that uses personal information and confidential medical records that can’t be released because of privacy conditions, per the New York Times, which first reported the news Monday. A requirement to disclose raw data would have prevented past major studies from going ahead. “Such studies have served as the scientific underpinnings of some of the most important clean air and water regulations of the past half century,” the Times notes. The EPA declined a request for comment, but referred Axios to an op-ed by Administrator Andrew Wheeler in the Wall Street Journal published Monday evening headlined, “Why We’re Ending the EPA’s Reliance on Secret Science.” Wheeler is expected to officially announce the rule Tuesday. In the op-ed, Wheeler insists the rule is “not a stick for forcing scientists to choose between respecting the privacy and rights of their study participants and submitting their work for consideration.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
