Elon Musk on Twitter: ‘Trains Should Be On Surface, Cars Below’

An anonymous reader writes:
The SFGate site reports that Elon Musk engaged in a “bizarre Twitter fight” after someone suggested underground tunnels were better for trains than cars. “Opposite is true,” Musk argued. “You can have 100’s of layers of tunnels, but only one layer on surface (to first approximation), therefore trains should be on surface, cars below.” Underground, he noted later, “you can have as many lanes as you want going in any direction.” San Francisco transit authorities then pointed out that their high-capacity BART trains carry 28,000 people every hour through a tube under the San Francisco Bay, adding “That’s nearly twice as much as cars over the bay.” This being Twitter, BART “was attacked by a number of Musk fans and other BART critics, and was forced to defend everything from the odor on cars to the amount of public money the agency receives.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
