Elon Musk Continues To Amuse Himself On Twitter, Sharing Song, Duck Emoji

Yesterday Billboard magazine reported that Elon Musk had dropped a rap song on SoundCloud — an auto-tuned song called “RIP Harambe.”
Posted under the handle Emo G Records, the two-minute track pays tribute to the Cincinnati Zoo gorilla who was killed in 2016 after a 3-year-old climbed into its living area. It’s unclear if Musk stumbled upon the track, which has his name on it, or if he released the track himself… “RIP Harambe” had more than 200,000 plays as of Sunday afternoon. Some Twitter users left bemused replies, like “Dude, sober up by Thursday’s contempt hearing.” But the song appears to be part of a longer series of tweets. An anonymous reader writes:
On Friday Musk had shared a blank tweet containing nothing but an emoji of a duck with his 25.5 million followers. It drew over 24,000 re-tweets, and 4,300 comments — far more than the Harambe song (which drew only 14,000 retweets and 1,600 comments.) “Duck emoji FTW,” Musk tweeted triumphantly on Sunday, following up on his earlier observation that “Duck emoji defeats Emo G Records. Crushing victory.” In its comments there was also a joke about X.com (the original online banking site Musk launched in 1999, which was eventually merged into PayPal). In 2017 Musk repurchased the domain because “it has great sentimental value” — but replaced it with an entirely blank page with one lowercase x. In response to the duck emoji, someone tweeted that next Musk needed to update X.com. Musk promptly replied by tweeting the URL x.com/x — which (due to the site’s error-handling) pulls up a web page with a single lowercase y.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: https://idle.slashdot.org/story/19/03/31/2235207/elon-musk-continues-to-amuse-himself-on-twitter-sharing-song-duck-emoji?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed