Elon Musk Confirms Saturday He ‘Most Likely’ Has Covid-19

Slashdot reader DevNull127 writes: SpaceX founder Elon Musk now says, in a new tweet on Saturday, “that he ‘most likely’ has a moderate case of Covid-19,” according to Bloomberg. Though their article then also reports that Musk characteristically “continued to cast doubt on the accuracy of the tests, citing the ‘wildly different results from different labs.'” By late Thursday Musk had taken four different coronavirus tests, tweeting that he’d received two negative and two positive results. [The Washington Post reported that Thursday Musk then also announced he was turning to the more reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, and he tweeted that he was getting “PCR tests” — plural — “from separate labs,”
for which he’d need to wait 24 more hours to get the results.] But then he’d stopped sharing his results altogether, until pressed Saturday by one of his followers on Twitter, who had bluntly asked the SpaceX founder, “u got covid or nah.” After confirming that yes he “most likely” had Covid-19, Musk quickly added in the same tweet that “My symptoms are that of a minor cold, which is no surprise, since a coronavirus is a type of cold.” The fact that he’d even responded at all drew a surprised reaction from the follower who’d asked the original question. (“holy shit no way.”) But the original positive/negative results had also drawn a surprisingly harsh reaction from former government official/current University of California Berkeley public policy professor Robert Reich, who couldn’t resist tweeting a reminder that Musk “reportedly fired Tesla workers who were afraid of returning to work out of fear of contracting COVID. But when Musk thinks he might have the virus he takes 4 tests just to make sure. Billionaires aren’t the answer.” Get well soon, Elon.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
