Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Is Making Its Software Open Source

gavron writes: While most politicians are pro copyright maximalism and patent exclusivity, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign just open-sourced a bunch of software and are proud of having used open source to save money, and build upon the shoulders of other giants. Way to go! “Our tech team worked hard to make getting involved with @ewarren’s campaign as easy as possible,” reads a tweet from @TeamWarren. “We leaned heavily on open source technology, and we want to contribute back. So we’re open-sourcing some of our most important projects for anyone to use.” The Warren for President Tech Team is open-sourcing the following projects: -Spoke: Spoke is a peer-to-peer texting platform originally developed by MoveOn, with several forks under active development. -Pollaris, our polling location lookup tool: While the DNC provides a polling locator interface with IWillVote.org, we wanted a polling place locator that integrated with our website and tools, so we built our own interface and API, using polling location data provided by the DNC and state democratic parties. -Caucus App: Going into the Iowa caucuses, we wanted to give our supporters and precinct captains a way to quickly calculate delegates and report results from each precinct. -Switchboard (FE and BE): [W]e built a piece of software that took new potential volunteers, or “hot leads,” from our online channels and assigned them to state-based volunteer leads for personal follow up calls offering ways to get involved with the campaign. As it turned out, this also ended up being a great tool for event recruitment. -Automated organizing email: Our Mobilization and Tech teams worked together to scale email outreach to the widest possible audience and free our incredible organizers from tedious manual tasks. -Redhook: Campaigns run on data, and redhook is a tool that makes data happen. As a system, Redhook ingests web hook data and delivers it to Redshift/Civis in near real time. -I90: This tool was not deployed during the campaign, but there was a need to make short links out of long complicated links moving forward. I90 does that. You can read more about the projects and the team’s efforts via this Medium post.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
