Dutch Prosecutors Find a Hacker Did Successfully Log Into Donald Trump’s Twitter Account

Dutch prosecutors have found a hacker did successfully log in to Donald Trump’s Twitter account by
guessing his password — “MAGA2020!” From a report: But they will not be punishing Victor Gevers, who was acting “ethically.” Mr Gevers shared what he said were screenshots of the inside of Mr Trump’s account on 22 October, during the final stages of the US presidential election. But at the time, the White House denied it had been hacked and Twitter said it had no evidence of it. Mr Gevers said he was very happy with the outcome. “This is not just about my work but all volunteers who look for vulnerabilities in the internet,” he said. The well respected cyber-security researcher said he had been conducting a semi-regular sweep of the Twitter accounts of high-profile US election candidates, on 16 October, when he had guessed President Trump’s password.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
