DOJ: Former FBI Director James Comey Violated Policy On His Trump Memos — But Won’t Be Prosecuted

Former FBI Director James Comey violated official policy in the way he handled his memos describing his exchanges with President Trump, an investigation concluded — but Comey won’t be charged. . An anonymous reader shares a report: Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz conducted the investigation into Comey’s actions and then referred his results to prosecutors. “After reviewing the matter, the DOJ declined prosecution,” the IG’s office said in a statement on Thursday. Investigators concluded that Comey broke several rules. One involved the former director’s decision to arrange for a friend to disclose the contents of a memo to a reporter with The New York Times. Another involved Comey’s decision to keep memos at home and discuss them with his lawyers but not reveal their contents or what he was doing to the FBI. FBI officials have since assessed that some of the material in Comey’s memos deserved to be classified as “confidential,” the lowest level of classification. But investigators didn’t establish that Comey revealed any secret information to the press. The former FBI director responded on Twitter on Thursday morning by quoting a section of the IG report and pointing out what he called all the untruthful things said about him and other matters by Trump and the president’s supporters.

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