Dogs Are Now Being Trained To Sniff Out Coronavirus

New Slashdot submitter Joe2020 shares a report from the BBC: Firefighters in Corsica, France, are aiming to teach canines how to sniff out coronavirus, as they can other conditions. It’s hoped that detection dogs could be used to identify people with the virus at public places like airports. Their trial is one of several experiments being undertaken in countries including the UK and the USA. “Each individual dog can screen up to 250 people per hour,” James Logan, head of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, told The Washington Post. “We are simultaneously working on a model to scale it up so it can be deployed in other countries at ports of entry, including airports.” The dogs are trained using urine and saliva samples collected from patients who tested positive and negative for the disease. “We don’t know that this will be the odor of the virus, per se, or the response to the virus, or a combination,” Cynthia Otto, director of the Working Dog Center at Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine, told the publication. “The dogs don’t care what the odor is … What they learn is that there’s something different about this sample than there is about that sample.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
