Does The Military Need Agile Programming?

OneHundredAndTen writes: According to this Forbes article, the Pentagon is worried that many in the USA’s military nerve center claim to use Agile methods, when in fact, they aren’t. Those responsible for these things at the Pentagon have therefore come up with a Detecting Agile BS document, so people can tell when they are doing Agile vs. when they are doing BS Agile. The implicit conclusion seems to be the usual “if it doesn’t work for you, you are not doing it right.” The article was written by the author of The Age of Agile: How Smart Companies Are Transforming the Way Work Gets Done, a 2018 book arguing “An unstoppable business revolution is under way — and it is Agile. Companies that embrace Agile Management learn to connect everyone and everything…all the time. They can deliver instant, intimate, frictionless value on a large scale.” The book’s author is Stephen Denning, who spent four years as Program Director of Knowledge Management during his decades of management at the World Bank. His Forbes article this week warns “effective software development at DoD is not just a narrow issue affecting a few software developers. Questions of national cyber security and the integrity of the upcoming U.S. presidential election may depend on it… Fresh thinking and Agile mindsets are urgently needed.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.
